New biopolymer-based solutions for dust control.

Reference story: The Horses Fair 2022

Kemion attended once again the Horses Fair as an exhibitor and also this year as a partner. The Horses Fair brings together companies and equestrians every year. Over the weekend, the fair attracted more than 16 000 visitors. The Kemion stand also had many visitors and we had many great discussions about dust binding and de-icing in the riding areas. More and more people are interested in ecological solutions for dust binding.

We cooperated with the Horses Fair for the mainentance of the competition arena during the event. A new ecological M-Binder Bio dust binding product was applied to the competition arena built inside the Tampere Fair and Sports Center. Traditionally arenas are watered but the effectiveness is short-term as the water evaporates rapidly. Lack of moisture poses challenges for the riding arenas, as the surface material loses its desired properties and dusting begins. With dust binding product, the effect of irrigation can be extended and the arena stays in a good condition for longer. M-Binder Bio was chosen for the event because of its environmental friendliness and dual-action dust-binding effect. M-Binder Bio chemically binds particles and maintains moisture. Especially indoors, reducing dust is important.

Cooperation with the Horses Fair and Ismo “Immi” Lätti, who maintained the field during the event, went well and the arena was successful. The first spreading was done the day before the start of the fair on a pre-wetted surface. After the first day of the fair, the field was maintained. The arena surface was compact and elastic, and it kept the right grip throughout the event. There were shows and workshops constantly on the arena, therefore the condition of the arena was especially important. We received praise as the field remained in a good condition and needed less watering compared to previous years. Based on the valuable experience gained at the Horses Fair, we will further develop the product and its use.

We have been cooperating with Ismo “Immi” Lätti, who works as a construction consultant for riding arenas, since 2020 and the cooperation continued at the Horses Fair. During the fair, Immi took care of the construction and maintenance of the warm-up and competition arena. The cooperation went excellently.

Warm thanks to the Tampere Fair and Immi for the trust and great cooperation!

Read more about the atmosphere of the Horses Fair 2022 and the next year’s theme on the Horses Fair website. More information about Kemion’s dust binding solutions can be found here.

Kemion's ecological and efficient M-Binder Bio used in competition arena at Horses Fair 2022
Photo by Kemion Oy
Kemion's ecological and efficient M-Binder Bio used in competition arena at Horses Fair 2022
Photo by Kemion Oy